Modifying the DOM

// Find a style value of a element in dom
var header = document.querySelector('.header');

// Append element1 as the last child of element2

// Insert element2 as child of element 1, right before element3
element1.insertBefore(element2, element3)

// Gets the input submit
const myChildElemet = myElement.querySelector('input[type="submit"]')

// Create a clone
const myElementClone = myElement.cloneNode()

// Create new elements
const myNewElement = document.createElement('div')
const myNewTextNode = document.createTextNode('some text')

// Remove a child (workaround)

// Replace the inner HTML
myElement.innerHTML = `
    <h2>New content</h2>
    <p>beep boop beep boop</p>

//Adds to the innerhtml
header.innerHTML += `
  <a href="foo.html">continue reading...</a>

// Remove all child nodes
myElement.innerHTML = null

// Best way of listening for event
myElement.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
  console.log(event.type + ' got fired')

// Prevent default
myForm.addEventListener('submit', function (event) {
  const name = this.querySelector('#name')

  if (name.value === 'Donald Duck') {
    alert('You gotta be kidding!')

node.classList.add(class) //adds a class
node.classList.length //how many
node.classList.contains //class name

//insert html anywhere in the dom
myNode.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend','<p>This is added html to the end of whatever myNode is</p>') //Could be 'beforebegin' 'afterbegin' (after the first element), 'beforeend' (before the last element)
variable.setAttribute('id', 'ticket');
variable.placeholder = 'Symbol'; = '90%';
variable.innerHTML = 'USD';
variable.className = 'flex-container';

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